Finally! I have a blog!

For the past few years, I’ve been wanting to have a place where I can share my ideas about Business Central tech. It took me a while, I know, but now I finally have it! I haven’t really done much writing in the past, so this will be an interesting journey for me, and hopefully for you as well.

The areas I want to explore and share with you are:

  • The edges of AL, where AL patterns break, and where we need to go beyond the borders of BC.
  • Weird situations with AL that I come across, which I want to document for myself and the next poor soul that needs to deal with them.
  • Recaps of conference sessions I present, so that they are in a written and searchable format.
  • Recaps of BC conferences. I wish everyone could attend them, but for those who cannot, I want to share key takeaways, as the community findings are always intriguing.

I think this will be a fun activity for me, and hopefully sometimes insightful for you!